Monday, June 10, 2013

9 Months old (Luke)

Luke is doing something new almost every day! We went to the doctor for a nine month checkup and here are his stats:

Length: 28.3 inches
Weight: 22 lbs 9.5 oz
Head Circumference: 18.5 inches

  • He is climbing even more than before. He’ll use Gwynn’s chair to get on the couch and then crawl right off. We have to make sure he’s not by himself in the living room because he can get into a lot of trouble with the couch.
  • He can stand for 6-8 seconds at a time. He hasn’t taken any steps yet, but that’s coming any day now.
  • Luke does not like taking a bottle anymore. He’ll take it at night, but during the day he’ll really have to be starving to want a bottle. If it isn’t big people food he doesn’t want it. He’ll eat anything we give him.
  • His mouth is officially off limits to anyone’s prying fingers. He’s got 4 teeth – 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom.
  • He’s still wearing size 4 diapers and size 12-18M clothes. However, most of the time at home he just wears a diaper (it’s really hard to get him dressed!).
  • Luke is still only saying “da-da”, but he repeats a lot of sounds that we make (his favorite sounds are kissy noises and grunts).
  • He can wave now!! It’s so sweet because he usually waves backwards (towards himself).
  • We went out to eat and realized that Luke is now able to drink from a straw.  This will make things so much easier!
  • He loves to play with anything his sissy is playing with…and doesn’t quite understand not to bother her.  He’ll learn quickly though, when he gets tired of getting pushed down.
  • His favorite thing to play with is balls!  He loves to roll the ball to us and even gets on his knees and tries to throw it!
  • Sleeping is still not on Luke’s list of priorities.  He’ll take 2 short naps each day and usually go to bed between 7:30 and 8.  He typically gets up at least once, but we’ve gotten him in the routine of going back to sleep without a bottle. He typically doesn’t sleep past 6 each morning.
  • He is still the sweetest, happiest baby.  He loves to be held and sleep on Daddy’s chest.  We love our big boy!

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