Wednesday, June 5, 2013

23 months

23 months

  • Gwynn’s vocabulary keeps improving. It’s getting a lot easier to figure out what she wants just by her telling us. Instead of “paci” she says “daddy” which can be confusing.
  • Her manners are great. She will say please and thank you without prompting most of the time. If she doesn’t want something she’ll say “no thank you” instead of just “no”. Even when she’s pitching a fit she’ll usually still say “no thank you.” For example, if we say it’s time for bed she’ll scream “No! ... thank you”
  • Gwynn is still wearing the same size diapers as Luke (size 4). Hopefully by her second birthday she’ll be done with diapers (except at night). She’s in 24 month/2T clothes.
  • Gwynn is still very protective of her toys around Luke, but she’s getting better about not being mean/hitting/kicking Luke when he tries to play with them. Luke is getting to be pretty resilient, so we might just not worry about him getting hurt as much as when he was a baby.
  • She can use eating utensils quite well. She loves using a “moom” (spoon). She’ll spear some food with a fork and dip it in “keckup” and eat it without making a mess. She can use a regular cup without spilling too much.
  • Gwynn is a pro with the iPad/iPhone. She can open it, pull up a game and start playing. If the volume is too low she knows how to turn it up. She loves opening the camera and trying to take a picture, though she’s not a very good photographer. Gwynn even answered a FaceTime call from Mommy when she was staying with Grandma and Pop!
  • We’ve tried some new treats with Gwynn (as other posts have shown). She loves trying new desserts.  Popsicles are her favorite (for now).

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