Monday, July 11, 2011

Update: July 11th

Today has been another wonderful day for Gwynn! Her weight tonight was up to 7 lbs 11.1 oz...back to her birth weight already! We were able to see the nurse bathe her (only took the nurse 5 minutes...I'm sure it will take us 3 times as long when we're on our own). Before a baby leaves the NICU, they must pass a car seat test. The nurse put Gwynn in a car seat for an hour and a half to see if she could handle it without her oxygen saturation dropping. Well, she passed the test with flying colors, but the nurse said she screamed for over an hour while in the seat. I'm glad we weren't present for that test...not sure I'd be able to stand seeing her cry like that! Jeff and I are just hoping she'll tolerate her car seat better than this when we take her home.
On to the big news of the day...we got a discharge date from the doctor! We will be taking Gwynn home on Wednesday, July 13th! The night before discharge we will stay in a family room in the NICU with Gwynn. We will be in charge of all the feedings and diaper changes, but we'll have access to the nurses if needed. The nurses will come in a few times throughout the night to get Gwynn's vitals, but we'll pretty much be on our own. We are looking forward to this "practice night" before we have to take Gwynn home!

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