Sunday, July 17, 2011

Home Bodies

It’s nice to have Kristen’s mom here so we can nap during the day and not have to worry about cooking, dishes, or laundry.  It’s also nice to not having to worry about work since we’re both off for the summer. We’re working on our routine with Gwynn – baths, feeding, preparing bottles, etc. and it’s great we are able to do this on a relaxed schedule.

We’ve worked on tummy time a few times so she can work on her head control. It’s amazing how much she’s changed in less than two weeks.


Baths are fun, but we haven’t gotten a strict schedule with them yet. We’ve also got to work on being a bit faster – it seems to take forever!


My favorite thing to do is read to Gwynn after her bath. It’s nice bonding time and is good preparation for her future career as a rocket scientist. Mother Goose and I are real close buddies already. When I run out of books I narrate the history of Alabama football. Gwynn already knows how Alabama got hosed back in 1966.


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