Since we’ve been taking Gwynn out more and more, we’ve been getting lots of questions about how we named her. Gwynn is not a very common name, so people assume it’s a family name. When we first discovered I was pregnant the name game began. I would say a name I liked and the most common phrase out of Jeff’s mouth was “No…I have a student with that name.” Jeff would say a name he liked and my response would be “No…I had a student with that name.” You can see where I’m going with this. Since we have 12 years of teaching experience between us there were not many names that didn’t evoke a strong opinion from either of us.
So how did we decide on Gwynn…
My dad (“Pop”) grew up on a small island on the Chesapeake Bay called “Gwynn’s Island.” Our family vacation each year was to visit my grandparents (Mema and Pepa) on Gwynn’s Island. At the time, I’d rather have gone to Disneyworld or Gulf Shores, but looking back I wouldn’t change a thing about our yearly vacation. Here are some pictures of me and my brother and sister with Mema and Pepa and on the dock.

Last summer, Jeff and I took a trip to Gwynn’s Island with my family. The island had not changed since I’d been there. You just have a different mindset when you’re on Gwynn’s Island (we had no internet service, hardly any cell service, and it was wonderful). We had a wonderful trip and knew this would be a vacation spot for us for years to come. Jeff insists that he was the one that came up with naming our little one Gwynn, but I think it was me. Either way, we had finally decided on the perfect name…one that elicited fond memories for us both!
Here are some pictures from our trip to Gwynn’s Island from June 2010.

We’ve already planned our trip for next summer…we can’t wait to take Gwynn to her island!