Halloween fell on a Saturday this year which was nice since we didn’t have to rush home and get ready and eat dinner, yadda yadda yadda. The forecast called for rain, which wasn’t so nice.
Gwynn dressed as Sheriff Callie. She’s not using her lasso effectively.
Still not right.
Cheesin’ for the camera.
Much better use of the lasso Gwynn.
Luke was Marshall from Paw Patrol.
“How much candy are you going to get Luke?”
“Woof Woof!”
Looks just like a real Dalmatian.
We had to trick or treat with umbrellas, but we also had Uncle Jack, Grace and Kate too. Here Uncle Jack went to get Luke because there was a scary monster handing out candy.
“Wait for me!” Wait for me” – Luke every single house.
Pick it up Gwynn!
Heading back.
Luke didn’t mind the rain.
Happy as a clam.
“This is ruining my hair.”
The parents get to carry all the candy back. It also means we get to pick out the stuff we like.
Last few houses.
Wet, but content.
Luke and Aunt Jen.
Everyone dividing up their loot.
Kate jumping on Uncle Jack was hilarious to Luke.
Covering Aunt Jen in stuffed animals was also amusing.