Thursday, October 10, 2013

13 Months (Luke)

13 months

  • We don’t know Luke’s height or weight but judging from his eating patterns he’s gained some weight. His favorite foods right now: anything and everything.
  • Luke is talking a lot more – ball, more, mama, dada, and now he’ll say “uh oh”. He and Gwynn even get into screaming matches in the backseat…their favorite thing to scream is “Mine!!” He tries to repeat almost anything we say too. 
  • Luke will have a temper tantrum if he doesn’t get his way. He’ll bend over and just scream his little head off. We can usually distract him and he gets over it unless it involves food…then we just give in. 
  • His sleeping patterns are a bit odd – sometimes he’ll scream bloody murder when we try to put him down and will need a quick car ride to put him to sleep, but most nights he’ll fall asleep right at 7:15 no problem. He sleeps until 5:30 or 6 most mornings. We’ve noticed that he is a very light sleeper.  The second he hears a noise or we turn a light on, he pops right up and screams until someone comes to get him.
  • He loves, loves, loves stuffed animals. His favorite is a stuffed squirrel. He loves to hold it by the tail and give it hugs. He has to be holding that or his dog or lamb lovey to fall asleep.
  • He’s pretty much obsessed with the pacifier now too. He definitely needs it to fall asleep, but he has it all day too. The second he sees food though, he pulls it right out and drops it on the floor.

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