Saturday, March 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Grace!

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Grace turned 7 on March 21st and we celebrated on her actual birthday with dinner at Outback.

Although Luke would have probably eaten a nice, juicy steak…he had to settle for a bottle and puffs instead.

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On Saturday we celebrated Grace’s birthday again with a “Wizard of Oz” party!

grace party

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We put Gwynn in the bouncy house and she didn’t really like it.

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She would run to the door after about 3 seconds of jumping!

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They had the movie playing inside.  Kate and Daddy enjoyed watching that.

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Gwynn wasn’t into the movie, so she played with Kate’s dolls.

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We kept saying how miserable Luke is going to be in a few years when he’s the only boy at these parties…I guess him and Daddy will have to stay home and do guy things while Mommy and Gwynn go to the girlie parties!

Luke loves his Uncle Jack!

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We had a great time celebrating Grace’s birthday…we can’t believe she’s already 7!

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