Wednesday, September 5, 2012

14 months old

14 months

  • Gwynn is finally doing some more talking.  Her new favorite word is “cookie” (thanks to Grandma!).  Right now, she’ll just imitate saying the word, but we know soon enough she’ll be asking for cookies after every meal. The other word she’s getting very good at saying is “kitty.” She loves to see Aunt Jennifer’s kitty when we FaceTime and she loves looking at and pointing to kitties in books.
  • It was very easy to wean Gwynn of the bottle (probably because she likes to eat so much).  On a typical day, Gwynn will eat breakfast, a snack, lunch, another snack, and dinner. We found out near the end of August that Gwynn has been eating 2 breakfasts each morning (one at home and one at daycare).  Obviously, she did not complain about having to eat twice.
  • Mrs. Ouida and Mrs. Bonnie can’t believe how much Gwynn can eat!  They said she’ll finish her food and start pointing at her friends food so they’ll give her more. They still haven’t found any food she won’t eat.
  • She is still very good at playing independently.  We can let her play in the living room by herself (with us in the kitchen, the gate to the stairs closed, and the bathroom door closed), which is really helpful if we’re trying to do something like make dinner. Her favorite toys are: puzzles, her toy piano, plastic animals, letter magnets, Elmo, books, and her baby doll.
  • Gwynn loves to go outside after dinner for a ride in her car.  All Daddy has to say is “Gwynn, do you want to go for a ride in your car?” and she’ll run over to the car and get in herself!  If she’s playing with toys, she always puts them in the trunk…so cute!
  • She is very rambunctious and loves to play outside. She’s starting to get lots of bumps, bruises, and scrapes on her arms and legs which don’t really really seem to bother her at all.
  • Gwynn now has 10 teeth (2 more came in on the top).  This is really helping her try a wide variety of food. She still loves to brush her teeth…thank goodness!
  • Her sleeping habits have still been great!  She’ll typically take a short nap in the morning around 9 and then a longer nap around 2.  We put her down for bed between 7-7:30 and she’ll sleep until 6:30.  Recently she’ll wake up and yell out around 11 or 12.  We go check on her (pat her back, cover her with her blanket, give her a pacifier) and then she’s fine.  She usually doesn’t even want to be picked up.  Hopefully it’s just a phase she’s going through…we hate to think that’s she’s already having bad dreams!

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