We took Luke to the pediatrician for his 2 week check-up on September 24th. He weighed 9 lbs 10 oz (95th percentile) and was 22.5 inches long (between 95th and 100th percentile). He is a BIG BOY!
Our doctor said everything looked great and checked out normal, except for Luke’s belly button. The cord had not fallen off yet and it was starting to really smell bad. The doctor looked at it and said that it looked a little odd. He called another doctor in for another opinion and they decided that it was best if we go to Children’s Hospital and have an ultrasound performed. We headed right over to Children’s for the test.
Luke was not fond of this test at all…he screamed and cried, but thankfully it only lasted a few minutes. The ultrasound technician said that she could clearly see that the bladder and the umbilical cord area did not separate like they should have prior to birth. This anomaly will most likely require surgery to fix, but it’s also something that can fix itself overtime. We have an appointment on October 5th for an x-ray of the bladder and a meeting with the urologist, so we will definitely find out more then.
Luke doesn’t seem bothered by this at all and if our wonderful doctor hadn’t recommended an ultrasound we would have never known anything was wrong! Right now, we just need prayers that everything will check out ok or that this will be an easy fix.