Saturday, April 9, 2016

Montgomery Zoo

We had heard great things about the Montgomery Zoo and since we've been to the Birmingham Zoo so many times we thought we'd try a new zoo for a change.

Gwynn Gump.

This is a bear.

A fairly kid-proof enclosure. 

Checking out the flamingos. 

Close encounter with a gator.

This rooster was just hanging out, walking/flying all over the place like he owned it.

Daddy BSing his way through the reptile enclosure. 

A cute little owl some zoo workers walked around with.

An ostrich egg that would make for a great omelette. 

Daddy definitely not making things up to sound smart.

The coolest thing was a skylift that went over several animal areas.

Daddy could have jumped on that thing he wanted to.

Mommy and Gwynn rode together and Daddy and Luke rode together.

Lazy lion.

So excited.

The zoo also had a neat playground for the kids to play on.

"What're you lookin' at?"

The zoo also had a great spot for lunch. You could watch animals while you ate a hamburger. 

The symbol of American freedom (in captivity).

Time for a train ride. 

Petting zoo time.

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