We decided to go in an unusual direction for Luke’s 3rd birthday party. We went to Home Depot. No, not for supplies, for the actual party.
We set up right next to the drywall.
Box fans for sale right next to the cupcakes.
The obligatory treat bags.
The dry wall section isn’t very packed on a Sunday afternoon.
A home improvement version of pin the tail on the donkey.
Gwynn working on some educational worksheet to get the part-ay started.
Luke being Luke – i.e. shy and uncooperative.
Daddy talking to Paw about something important while Mommy attends to the partygoers.
I wonder if the party isn’t a way to get free training for future Home Depot employees?
Luke doing Luke things.
Luke swinging a surprisingly heavy hammer is actually pretty scary.
Guess what this is? If you answered “trouble” you’re right!
The kids put together a toolbox and then painted it.
Daddy attempting to help Gwynn with her toolbox. It was quite difficult.
Pop was in his element. Luke didn’t have much to do.
Brandon helping Emerson.
Ben appears perplexed.
Good thing his Grandpa came to help him!
Pop’s pretty much on his own now.
After the parents put the toolbox together, the kids did the painting.
Aunt Jen steps in to help with the artsy stuff.
Daddy always has to try on any hats that are available.
Aunt Jen and Mary Hubbard.
Focused like a laser.
Work work work.
That’s what you call a game face.
Time for cake. It’s go time!
“Don’t look at me!”
Luke blowing/spitting out the candles.
Cupcake time.
The aprons also served as bibs.
Those hardhats are for show, if you take a tumble out of a wheelbarrow at top speed you’re in for some pain.
Luckily Grace took is slow.
The good thing about Home Depot is that there is always something to play with. It may be dangerous, but you can certainly have fun on it for at least a little while.
Now Kate? Kate pushing that wheelbarrow made Daddy nervous.
Oh no!!
Disaster averted.
Backup was required for Gwynn to push Kate.
Uncle Jeremy testing out that new ACL.
The finished product(s). We had a great time!!
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