Daddy’s brother got married this weekend and we took the whole family up to Huntsville to see. Daddy was a groomsman in the wedding.
We were on the top floor of our hotel. With two crazy kids it made us a bit nervous.

Mommy and Luke posing.

Gwynn making a silly face. We had lots of those this weekend.

At the rehearsal dinner…Gwynn enjoyed finishing off Luke’s pouch.

This is a pretty common face for daddy when he’s trying to keep ahold of Luke.

Luke and Uncle Jeremy.

Gwynn found a friend to color with after dinner.

Then, Gwynn and her newfound friend ran around the lobby while Luke tried to avoid getting run over.

The Belcher family at the wedding.

Mommy and Luke. They both looked sharp.

The groomscake. Quite delicious.

The newlyweds make their entrance into the reception.

A happy family.

Brandon and Abbie made the trip to Huntsville too. Emerson stayed home so they could enjoy some time together.

It was the best wedding food daddy has ever had – but the chicken was still a bit too much for a plastic fork.

“Hey! You!”

A couple of first dances.

No, pop isn’t taking this picture himself, he’s just trying to get Luke to look at the camera.

Gwynn sees how much fun people are having on the dance floor.

So she decides to show off some moves of her own.

Strutting around.


A girl’s only dance off.

Luke enjoyed dancing with Grammy.

Tossing of the bouquet. Julie doesn’t have as many single friends as Jeremy.

Hard to catch a garter with your hands in your pocket…

Julie was one of the few females that Luke would let hold him…that only lasted a few seconds though. He soon started screaming for Mommy again.

Uncle Kenny breaking it down.

Gwynn (and Daddy) eventually needed to head to bed…it was a busy weekend!

Gwynn enjoying the view in the morning. She loved screaming “Cars!” when she saw one drive by.

Luke enjoying a king sized bed.

Funny story. Gwynn was playing with the stroller when Daddy walked into the other room. After only a few moments we all heard her scream. Somehow she managed to get the strolled wrapped around her. We, as competent parents, did the right thing and got it off of her – after we snapped a picture.