Saturday, January 5, 2013

18 months old

18 months

Our sweet girl is a year and a half old already! Can’t believe it.

  • Gwynn’s pretty much into everything and has more energy than Mommy and Daddy combined.  She wears us out!  She even learned to climb up on the couch by herself…just wish she would take a nap while she’s up there!
  • A few months ago Gwynn became obsessed with Sesame Street (Elmo and Cookie Monster mostly). Well, Gwynn has a new obsession.  MICKEY MOUSE.  She loves Mickey.  we’ll let her watch one episode in the afternoon while she eats her snack and as soon as we walk in, she’ll grab the remote and scream “Minnie!! Minnie!!” (She can’t say Mickey yet…or she might prefer Minnie over Mickey).
  • Gwynn’s gone potty three times so far.  If we ask her if she needs to go potty she’ll run into the bathroom and sit down (fully clothed), but hasn’t initiated using the potty yet.  We don’t have much time to work on it on the weekends, but we’ll definitely work on it over Spring Break some more. 
  • She’s repeating pretty much everything we tell her to now, but she’s also saying more and more words spontaneously…some of her new words are:
    • “Bye-bye”…was saying it sporadically, but she uses it all the time now.
    • “Hi” or “Hey” while talking on a pretend phone or when waving to people…she says this a lot in church to everyone around us.
    • “Bubba”…what she calls her brother (also still calls him “Coo”). 
    • “Carkle!”…we played the game “Farkle” a lot over the break and she learned to scream it when we did!  It’s really cute. 
    • “Ba ba”…for bottle (which she always wants to give to Luke even if he doesn’t need it).
    • She’ll go to the refrigerator and say “milky” or “juice” when she wants a drink.
  • Gwynn still gets 2 naps during the day occasionally, but usually she’ll just take one long nap (around 2 hours). She still goes to bed around 7:15 pm and we usually have to wake her up for school around 6:00 am. On the weekends she’ll sleep until 7:00 am.
  • Her eating is still really great.  Her new favorite food is cucumbers.  I’m so glad that I have someone to eat vegetables with since Daddy doesn’t eat them!  If we go to a restaurant and I get a salad, Gwynn will point to the salad until I give her the cucumbers. Guess I’ll have to start ordering extra!
  • I was able to count her teeth one night when she was really sleepy and I counted 18!  I didn’t get bit either! We haven’t had any teething issues with her except for her 1st molar coming in.
  • She is still using a pacifier at night and during naps (and when she can steal one from her brother). She always sleeps with her Ellie (pink elephant) and at least 2 small blankets. She doesn’t leave the blankets on though…she likes to get them in a ball and lay on top of them.
  • She still really loves her brother. She’ll go up to him and say “hey” and have the sweetest smile on her face. She is very gentle with him and we haven’t really had any jealousy issues at all.  She’s a great big sissy! 

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