Sunday, August 5, 2012

13 Months old

13 months

  • Gwynn has very good receptive language skills. If we ask her to touch her head, she will. If we ask her to touch her mouth, she will. If we ask her to signal touchdown she’ll do that too.
  • She is also great at imitating. If we shake or nod our heads she will too. When we wave she waves back.  She still isn’t saying many words, but we’ve heard a few new words every now and then, but it’s usually only one or two times and she refuses to repeat them on command!  
  • Gwynn only takes one bottle now – at night. We’re working on weaning her off of that by dropping the amount in the bottle every few nights. Hopefully by 14 months she’ll be off the bottle completely.
  • She only uses a pacifier for naps and bedtime.  When we take her out of her crib she’ll throw her lovey (“Ellie” the pink elephant) in the crib and she’ll take her pacifier out of her mouth and throw that in the crib. 
  • Gwynn has warmed up to milk. She’ll drink it just about as well as she does juice, but definitely prefers it out of a bottle (we’re working on that).
  • Gwynn has more toys than you can shake a stick at. She seems to enjoy her doll the most. Sometimes, though, she gets in a mood when she wants to switch between her toys every two minutes.
  • It’s getting harder and harder to take Gwynn to church…she prefers being able to run around freely as opposed to sitting in our laps.  We’ve been able to placate her for the hour long mass by bringing cheerios, juice, and a variety of toys.  When little brother comes in September, Gwynn might get to know the church nursery pretty well!

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