Gwynn finally got to meet Aunt Connie and Aubrey (Aunt Connie and my mom have been friends since grade school…so we’ve always thought of them as family). They came down from Pennsylvania this weekend so we could all visit. We went out to eat on Friday night, went to a yard sale on Saturday morning where we got a lot of cool toys for Gwynn, then went out to campus on Saturday afternoon so they could experience some Alabama Football. Aubrey and I even got to go to the game…thanks for the tickets Jennifer! Alabama played Tennessee and we won! On Sunday we went to church at St. John’s then had breakfast at The Waysider…yum!! We had a great time visiting with Grandma, Pop, Great Grandma, Aunt Connie, and Aubrey. I hope another 2 years doesn’t go by before we see them again! Here are some pictures from their visit.
Pictures from dinner Friday night.

Gwynn’s new exersaucer from the yard sale…she LOVES it!

This is how Aubrey rode to the game (I know…very unsafe). We couldn’t justify spending money to park 2 cars though!

Jeff hadn’t joined us yet (he had a cross country meet in Cullman), so I had to stay with Gwynn while everyone enjoyed a yellowhammer. She was a little too young to go into the bar with us!

We introduced Gwynn to the Bear.

Then to Nick Saban.

These pictures were taken on Sunday morning at The Waysider and at my parents house.